Children learn in happy circumstance and inspire their potential.
Children study in abundant circumstance and transit to primary one curriculum.
Children learn self-care and discipline, foster spirit of self-discipline and self-learning.
Our kindergarten utilizes learning mode of multiple activities, inspire children’s potential and extend their world.
Children learn cooperation through co-operate games, acquire knowledge through self-exploration and experience lives through practice.
Our kindergarten cares development of children with special needs and cultivates children’s spirit of mutual learning and assistance as well as sharing learning happiness for children’s whole-person development of “ moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic, soul education”.
Our curriculum aims to raise children’s ability of biliteracy, trilingualism and whole language, raise opportunity of learning foreign languages through interact with children of different nationality.
2023-2024 K3 Students Primary School Enrolled
2022-2023 K3 Students Primary School Enrolled